I just recently finished reading Wuthering Heights but I feel kind of silly writing a review of a book that’s been in existence for well over a hundred and fifty years. However, I am trying to make sure I synthesize my reading properly and so I did have some thoughts on it, reflections that I thought would make a post:

– I really liked the opening, a strong hook and a nice gothic feel.
– However, the opening seemed to lock Emily Bronte into a flashback structure that kept getting in the way of the story.
– I loved the prose and found it still stood up very well to a modern reader.
– Heathcliff was well crafted for the most part although there were a few raised eyebrow moments.
– Linton was about as convincing as Alastair Darling on when the recovery is going to start. A bit of a shame really.
– Catherine senior was irritating but Catherine junior was a much more interesting three dimensional character.
– Very much a novel of its time it’s remarkably close, in places, to the moral line of the period and this is probably why it stands up so well today.
– The propensity for death inducing breakdowns in Yorkshire is portrayed as high, some might feel this is melodrama but those of us who have, at one time or another, lived there know it is simply the way it is. 😉
– It was surprisingly violent in places, particularly where Heathcliff beats Catherine.
– Despite providing a clear template for subsequent tragic romances it still managed to surprise me, albeit in the first half of the book.
– If you’ve never read it I would definitely recommend it although her sister’s work Jane Eyre is the stronger work.

Anyway, that’s just my opinion, feel free to jump on the comments thread and give me yours.

Right, now I have to return to working on the kitchen.

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