In a typical London fashion the slightest hint of snow turned my week on its head.

We had a bit more snow than a hint out in Abbey Wood, where we’re close enough to Kent to walk into the borough without breaking a sweat. The single, reasonable, commuting route into the city (South Eastern Railway) didn’t even attempt to run a normal service, grit platforms or deliver coherent information. In fact, I would go as far as saying they deliberately misled people to make it look like they were running a service. Damn it, they even made me agree with Bob Crow, who asserted they should lose their franchise. Really it’s the way that London treats the South East section of the city like a ghetto that really irritates me: a twenty odd year wait for Cross-rail and even now constant threats to pull it short of Abbey Wood. That’s enough politics.

Snow sure does make everything look picturesque, even ghettos


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