Minor Oasis

I’m really quite busy at the moment juggling extra work at the day job and trying to plough on with Forever. In lieu of actual content and, indeed, a review of the gig I went to at the beginning of the month here is a video clip from the gig. Amanda’s slow...

Dengue Fever

I really am quite fond of these guys: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n3KOYXlgTA] This is not my usual type of thing and so I am a little lost to explain it. G things I’m nuts. OK: more nuts than usual.

Digital 101: What to build?

Apologies for the delay, these posts were meant to begin last week but were delayed due to snow. *coughs* In this initial run of Digital 101 for Writers (and other one-man-shops) I want to look in a little more detail at how to give yourself the best fighting chance...