Hal’s Experiment

I though I’d draw your attention, if I may, to Hal Duncan’s experiment over at Notes From The Geek Show. Hal is experimenting with sidestepping the traditional route to market (via publisher) and going straight to the audience. Hal will publish...


Perhaps unsurprisingly, given posting frequency, my blog stats have dropped off a cliff recently. However, I’ve been blogging for quite sometime now and I’ve been through blips in output before and they’ve never been this severe: i.e. where the stats...


G has some photos up on her site of Bristolcon. Regular readers will know that my better half is a talented photographer. Pop over and take a look round. The Bristolcon photos are here: http://www.gmorgan-photography.co.uk/portfolio72059.html

Review: Why does E=MC²?

In my experience non-fiction books come in two categories: mind-blowingly fascinating or eye-wateringly crap. There is very little in between. Thankfully, Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw’s book is squarely in the fascinating camp. The concept of the book, unsrprisingly, is...