So I shaved at long last.

In between finishing the 2nd draft of Priest I got bored of it. Somehow I’d deluded myself that there might be something lurking under it that I actually wanted to look at but oh no – there has been no miracle of genetics:

I still look like a chinless wonder and now my sink looks like I shaved a mouse in it.

At this point you’ve probably figured I haven’t been up to much but Priest is finished now and being reviewed by G.  She’s still reading so that’s a good sign – right?

Anyhow I’ve been reading Richard Dawkin’s entertaining rant on religion “The God Delusion” and came across a shocking list of countries in order of the year they gave women the vote: Did you know that Switzerland only gave women the vote in 1971? Or Kuwait 2006?

 So if there are still any oppressed women out there who need to masquerade as men – I just happen to have a large amount of facial hair to hand that you can have.

 Failing that I’m sticking it back on…

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