Absolutely knackered. I got back from Wales about half an hour ago and have just fired up the computer to reply to a few messages that I saw come in via my mobile but didn’t have time to reply to. If you haven’t heard back from me I should get to things by...

Trying not to get it on my chin

Where do the weekends go? S has been here most of the weekend and we spent yesterday in Camden looking at cool things that were too expensive for either of us to buy. Yet more bookshops were perused, proving that bibliophilia is genetic in addition to being a...


There’s a good video post over at Chocolate and Vodka on the importance of daydreaming to creative writing. Daydreaming is one of the few good things about my lengthy commute and I try really hard to remind myself that it’s time I can and do use for me....


Don’t you just hate it when your characters walk off the page and start moonlighting as a millionaire financiers determined to take down the shadow chancellor. I know I do. Yes, one of the main protagonists in Forever is called Nathaniel Rothschild. Or he...


I welcome and encourage feedback or more general discussion of the flash fiction on my site but just to be clear I don’t publish other writer’s fiction here, either as submissions or in the comment thread. Clearly I’m flattered if people feel...