I recall noticing a while back that there was some kind of meme coalescing around Lewis Carrol’s birthday (today) and thinking: that sounds like fun and: won’t have to think of content for that day. Today, after recovering from the shock that it was the 27th already, I noted that the meme was meant for Live Journal. I’m not on Live Journal and my day was so unspeakably mundane that, somewhat to my surprise, I can’t think of anything surreal to write.

For example, I was awoken this morning by an inanimate object that squawked at me until I got up and turned it off. Despite the sun being a good few hours away I then proceeded to eat reconstituted wheat mixed in with the milk of an ecosystem damaging mammal and stare at another inanimate object that was also giving off low-level radiation. From there I felt it necessary to walk at a speed that physically hurt to the station before running the final few yards and leaping onto a metal tube on wheels packed with hairless primates packed in so close it must have been either a mating ritual or the prelude to ritualised combat. Hot air circulated at waist level served to slacken the bowels in a bid to enhance the fight or flight mechanism whilst cold air from the various holes in the conveyance served to focus the mind.

After about forty-five minutes the train rolled to a halt in a large city made of stone and full of yet more hairless primates of varying levels of intelligence whereupon I resumed my earlier pace. Once at my final destination, a large stone building, I exchanged hours of my life for notes of paper that promised me gold if presented to the right person but not really, and for less-not-really-gold than I would have got if I presented the notes twelve months ago, and some of which I given immediately to a third party who, although having nothing to do with the whole mechanism, will lock me up if I don’t pony up. At that stone building I offer up some extra hours because you know: I have plenty and so on and so forth.*

See: nothing surreal there.

* from this point on the evening got considerably better as I met a friend for drinks and, on the way home, enjoyed listening to a very large lady talking very loudly on her mobile phone about her very inept friend on the other end of the line.

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