How are you all? Keeping well, I hope.

Some folks are finding themselves with more free time than normal, some with less (that would be me), but both groups seem to be looking for distractions from what is a fairly difficult period. On twitter, I recently shared the links for the various free stories on this site and elsewhere. Twitter is a bit ephemeral and so I’ve gathered the thread here:

If you’re at a loose end and if you’d like some free fiction, you can sign up for my newsletter ( and you’ll get my novella The Lost Pilgrim which is a prequel to my debut fantasy novel The Scarred God. I’d like you to stick with me, but I really don’t mind if you want to opt back out again having gotten the book. You can also pick the e-book up via Amazon (UK: / US: – also in all global Amazon stores) for less than a coffee if you prefer your fiction free range. From next month, I will also be sharing a piece of flash/short fiction set in the Shaanti universe each month for subscribers.

I will be doing some digital readings at some point soon and will publish details as soon as I can.

Look after each other.

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