It’s been at least a couple of posts since I wrote about Forever.

Work on the draft that I am now nominally calling 2.5 has slowed in the last week as I realised I had a small pace problem and so I had to loop back briefly to break a chapter* into two parts. I finished that this morning. I’m basically about 22,000 words in at present but I’m confident that I still have more material to recycle from the previous two drafts and so I’m hoping to motor on quite a bit in the next fortnight.

Right now I’m trying to sketch out some notes for the last few chapters of the current part to see if I’m going to run into the same pace problem with the 1770 chapter that is nominally planned to close out this section. An interesting problem is emerging where by I know the characters so well now, particularly the lead, that I need to remind myself that the reader is meeting them for the first time. I also know what happens now in any sequel and so I’ve start peppering in loose ends. I may regret that.

The upshot is I still need to pick up the pace because I’m given to procrastination.

But not now. I have places to be. Life’s like that.

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