Time for an update.

It’s now been a little over two weeks since my rash and foolish promise that I would podcast my NaNoWriMo exercise as I went. I confess that I was unsure it was wise at the time and let my general dissatisfaction with progress in general this year goad me into doing it. Furthermore, I admit wholeheartedly that in retrospect this seems like a Bad Idea. This has no doubt been evident to the few people still reading this blog by my reluctance to post the first chapter (now a week and a day overdue).

But a promise is a promise.

I am making the first chapter of Eleutheria available as a podcast and you can subscribe here:


A few things:

– I am still experimenting with set up and so the quality is patchy in places.

– For some reason the hosting company seem to think it’s a video podcast, I will fix this as and when, you should still be able to listen.
– I can’t work out how to make it available as an MP3. As soon as I work it out I will make the files: a) available here and b) in that more accessible format.
– It sounds first drafty because it is.
– Feedback is welcome, insults – as ever – not so much.
– I hope to get better.

Lastly, although this podcast is free, this project is ostensibly for charity. If you enjoy the podcasts; or feel embarrassed for me; or simply feel it’s a good cause I’d really appreciate it if you would consider donating to my chosen charity, MIND.

A donation page can be found here: http://www.justgiving.com/neilbeynon

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