
Like everyone else in the SF community, I’m shocked and saddened to hear of Angry Robot author Colin Harvey’s untimely death following a stroke. When I was just starting to attend conventions in 2008/09, Colin (along with the Flash Fictioneers) looked out...

Slow Bleed

Don’t worry, I haven’t injured myself. I’m still thighs deep in the editing and revision stage of Forever, gradually pulling this awkward beast under control, and trying not to mix my metaphors too much. My present concern is, because it’s contemporary fantasy, how...

Once there was this boy…

It’s Sunday morning, the coffee is strong, the sun is shining and I’m mellow. Some 90s music to take you back: [youtube=] This is Eclectic music since 2007.


Over the years have blogging I have, on occasion, poked fun at the late Amy Winehouse. In view of today’s sad news, I have removed those posts from the archive of the old blog and any references here. I have not done this to hide those posts but because the...

Life and other problems…

*taps screen* This thing on…? Good. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Generally, I think you’re not meant to apologise for your blog going dark for long periods of time but I’m not convinced this is actually the best advice because it assumes readers don’t notice. My...