It’s a bit quiet around here because I’m working on the final rewrite for TSG.

No, you’re not having deja vu. I decided to do one more rewrite having received a more positive round of test readings than I anticipated and having realised that, at 90k, it wasn’t really commercial*. Fortunately the sorting of some lingering structural problems will allow the manuscript to grow to a more amenable length.

In order to avoid procrastination I set myself a tight deadline, that is fast approaching, and so am spending large amounts of time writing new material that will then have to be buffed, polished and grafted onto the main manuscript**. In fact that’s what I will be doing in just a moment.

I have reviews for Star Trek, Coraline (film not book) and Watchmen (film not book) sitting in draft form on my harddrive and hopefully these will wing their way onto the blog in the not to distant future. There’s also some sounding off about freedom that I have planned at some point and so content will happen. Just not today.

I hope your Sunday is going well – I get to spend mine writing which is pretty much a win in my book.

* I’m not sure it’ll be sellable anyway but no ones said it’s a turkey so…you know: you gotta try.
** As I think I’ve said before, I don’t advise writing this way but I didn’t know what the hell I was doing when I started this project. I still don’t know what to do but I do now have a much better idea what not to do. If that makes sense?

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