I haven’t been around much at all because I basically hit the wall last week.

No I haven’t gone back to cycling and hit anything, I’m just exhausted. Consequently it was about all I could muster to get up, go to work and get home again. I slept for around fifteen hours on Saturday.

So I haven’t done much else.

In between bouts of sleeping I did manage to finish the line edit of The Scarred God (AKA The Woodsman) and that is now with my two first readers. I also dragged my carcass to see Batman. It’s a little late for the review but I too was impressed with not just Ledge’s performance but the entire cast, although I remain unsure why Bale is using Clive Barker’s voice when wearing the batsuit. I mean do you think he knows? Surely he needs it back?

Sorry, bad joke. Did I mention I’m tired?

Anyway, next week we have the bank holiday and the week after that I’m probably going to head back to the folks and hopefully see my niece as well. I’m sure this will afford much chance for slapstick hilarity. Or at least something interesting.

Going to sleep again now.

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