
Alright folks, as I said the other day I will be participating in NaNoWriMo this year. It was a hard decision because my other projects haven’t run to time this year and so the story I was going to use, being an SF tale, is not ready to go. Mainly this is owing...

Minor update

It’s been quiet round here because: a) work is a little bit mental. b) I am in a frantic push to finish The Scarred God c) In a fit of sheer lunacy I have decided to do NaNoWriMo this year, with a slight difference in approach to my previous attempt and have...


I have been away. I am now returned. Thanks for all the comments on the last post and apologies for the delay in approving comments. I find myself increasingly unwilling to pay the ever inflated internet charges in international hotels and that goes in spades for 02...

Comfort food

As is customary on the first day of a holiday, for me anyway, I have been ill. I spent most of Saturday on the sofa feeling sorry for myself and ploughing through a research book for the next project and then Gene Wilder’s autobiography. There are worse ways to...