
I’ve been thinking a lot about time. I never seem to have enough of it. I make excuses for it: I do have a long commute (3 hours a day, sometimes more); I do have a challenging day job that frequently requires extra hours; I am still doing up my house; I am...

DIY Sunday

Today, as with yesterday, I shall be mainly painting the hall. I have help before you panic and send the ambulance (my record with DIY is not good). In the meantime, have a video: [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2jfV1DzcuQ]

Wordcount: A writing update

Ola. How’s tricks? I thought I’d do a writing update as I haven’t done one for a while. People who follow me on twitter (and it’s a good way to find out about what slapstick mishaps have befallen me on any given day) will know that I came out...

Hard Work

I was really pleased to see the news the other day that my friend Gareth L Powell has sold his next novel to Solaris. That Gareth is talented is not news, nor do you need to take my word for it: the likes of Warren Ellis, the Interzone readers’ poll and The...