

Bridgend, South Wales 23rd April, 2019 Dear Ziggy, This year I find myself uncertain what to write to you. You should be six. You are six? We try every year to make this time quiet for us so we can reflect, think about you and – in some way – feel like...
New Release: Paint

New Release: Paint

I’m pleased to announce the release of a new original short story. Paint is a dark contemporary fantasy and is exclusive to Amazon. I’m really excited to get this story out into the world as the first commercial release of new fiction I’ve made for a...
2018 Round Up

2018 Round Up

The end of the year is nigh. Yes, folks, this is another one of those obligatory end-of-year round-up posts. I’ll keep it as brief as I can. I made a conscious effort this year to try to squeeze the pips out of the time and so I’m pretty pleased with what I managed to...
After The Rain OUT NOW!

After The Rain OUT NOW!

  My short story collection is out now from Hanesyn Publishing (full disclosure: that’s my own press). Initially, it’s available to subscribers to my email list (as a gift) and if you feel like getting the latest news, information on new releases and...