I’m not going to be around much next week as I’ll be in West Yorkshire on a writing course.

I booked the course earlier in the year when I was reviewing my writing goals and realised that I might benefit from getting my work in front of people who had already managed to sell work on a regular basis. In the cold light of July – what is the weather doing? – it seems a less clever idea and I must confess that I’m a trifle worried.

Will I cut the mustard?

Yet that’s not it entirely. You see I never actually checked where the course was located until yesterday when I was reviewing the route and realised it was a short distance from where I went to university in Bradford. I haven’t been back in five years. University was a funny time for me. More fun than school, less fun than I imagined it would be. The set up at the course feels a little like university, the trip a little like going home.

If you had a time machine.

Blah. That’s quite enough melancholic bollocks. I’m excited and nervous in equal measure. I’ve printed out some stories, I’m making sure my ideas sheet is up to date in the event I find myself blanking and I’ve some reading material to kick back to.

For the five people still reading this blog there will be some content (Monday, Wednesday, Friday) but I won’t have internet access to approve comments and so if you haven’t commented before, are spurred into action by something I write and wondering where your comment has gone…I will be back and approving as soon as I can. Feel free to follow me on Twitter, I won’t insult current followers by suggesting I won’t be twittering…damn thing is like internet crack.

Updates, updates, updates. In an update to the stats debacle, traffic continues to crash, mainly because google no longer seems to like me…given I haven’t actually changed anything this suggests I am the subject of excessive spam or that wordpress.com has made some change that the behemoth hates. I have no time to sort this now. More news when I return.

This last week has passed with me mainly working on the final draft of Blind Fate and the first draft of a new story called (at the moment anyway) The Room. This week’s flash had mixed results as I expected. On the doing stuff front it’s been quite quiet: had dinner with family on Thursday, cinema today and as previously mentioned away this week.

And that’s it for now. I need to finish the draft of The Room before I go as there’s another story I want to write. Byeeeee.

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