All Along the Watchtower

I’ve had this stuck in my head for months, for which I blame Ronald D. Moore, originally recorded by Bob Dylan I think but I prefer the Hendrix version: [youtube=] ‘Morning.

Bitter Ruin

A good weekend: I managed to see Bitter Ruin at their second London show, despite my having picked up a dreadful head cold it was a great evening. It’s the second time I’ve seen them perform, the first was supporting Evelyn Evelyn, and they were every bit...

The Future

My sister found this. I really like it, especially at the moment. [youtube=]

The Cove

I just got done watching The Cove. I am not editing my response. I don’t think I have the objectivity to do a proper review. You should try and watch the film if you can. The trailer is here: [youtube=] I’ve seen...

One more thing…

I saw this on my iPhone and haven’t got round to posting it. I find celebrity charity songs increasingly repugnant and false but this one has enough interesting performers, genuine sentiment and rough charm to make me even crotchety me think it’s fun....


The week has got away from me a bit. Here’s some music to tide you over: [youtube=] It’s cheesy but, so help me, I like it.