State of the Writer: Planning

Let’s see: a writing update. When last seen I had just completed the 2nd draft of Forever. I’m in the process of doing a short tidy pass before handing the manuscript to my first couple of test readers. This should only take a couple of days (cold not...

Heinlein’s Rules

I finished the second draft of Forever today. It’s been a difficult slog and a pretty tough year writing wise. Somehow I lost my way and by chance I was recently reminded again of Heinlein’s rules. I have determined to note them down here, in my study and...

State of the writer: nearly there…

Let’s see: when last seen I was just getting over my Energy Crisis. In good news, I’m pleased to report that my energy levels have held where they were in the first half of the year and, consequently, good progress has been made on the second draft of...

Slow Bleed

Don’t worry, I haven’t injured myself. I’m still thighs deep in the editing and revision stage of Forever, gradually pulling this awkward beast under control, and trying not to mix my metaphors too much. My present concern is, because it’s contemporary fantasy, how...

Life and other problems…

*taps screen* This thing on…? Good. It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Generally, I think you’re not meant to apologise for your blog going dark for long periods of time but I’m not convinced this is actually the best advice because it assumes readers don’t notice. My...

State of the writer: Plugging away

This is a short one. As am I. The month’s been markedly more busy than I intended and so progress, while steady, has been slow. By far my main focus is still the second draft manuscript for Forever. The structural changes continue to ripple through the rest of...