Interzone dropped through the letterbox yesterday and I have to say I was quite excited as two of my fellow Friday Flash Fictioneers had pieces in this issue. Paul Raven had a passionate editorial about the importance of good critical reviews in the world of SF and GLP had a short story “Ack-Ack Macaque”; a moving character driven piece that is GLP’s second story in Interzone.

I haven’t got through much else but as ever there appears to be lots of really good work in this issue; and a fellow Beynon – Mark Beynon – (although no direct relation) has made it onto the back cover for a book called Tomes of the dead: The Devil’s Plague. I have no idea what his work is like but I’ll be taking a look when it comes out next month.

My Friday Flash Fiction will be rearing it’s head later so keep an eye out, I can’t promise the standards of the mighty ‘Zone but hopefully I can spin a yarn you’ll enjoy.

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