Just a quick update to say I am still alive. It’s been quiet due to me still fighting off this cold and it being near year end.

I’ve been working on Forever. Chapter six is done although I may go back and tidy it up in a few weeks and I’ve started work on Chapter seven where much to my surprise I’ve managed to salvage rather more than I’d hoped. I think the plane crash may need a bit more work but I’m pretty hopeful I can nail that one down by the end of the weekend and get a good way into Chapter eight. I still worry it doesn’t have enough depth.

On other fronts, I had a story rejected and am pleased to report it didn’t upset me, despite it being one of my best. I am developing a thicker skin…I hope. Now I just need to find another market that fits to submit to, that is proving rather difficult as it’s a little on the long side and fairly dark. Another task for the weekend methinks.

Other than writing I haven’t been up to much. I’m going to visit my folks this weekend and hopefully will get to chat to my sister (the one in Australia) over skype on Saturday. Then begins the inevitable merry-go-round of Christmas parties at which I will endeavour not to make myself look like a fool…well not more than normal.

Anyway, more interesting content to follow in the coming days. I hope.

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