No, I have not been eaten by a fox; or fallen down a hole in the planet; or wandered into the English dressing room.

I am, however, getting back into the swing of things writing following my little holiday. My current novel project is an urban fantasy set in London town – where I live – and is currently in the world building stage which I hope to finish this weekend, then the fun part: writing it. The novel should come in around the 140k words mark on the first draft (I will then trim down). As with all my first drafts I actually finish I will not discuss the plot until I am in the redraft stage.

I have two short stories approaching Go Out Into The World stage: a piece of science fiction flash and a longer short story which is dark fantasy. You may recall that I am attempting to produce at least one short story a month (in draft) until the end of the year and so in order to stay on top of this at some point this month I need to write another one as the flash story was June’s effort and the longer short story I have been kicking around for a few months.

This weekend is very much writing focused – albeit in the garden – and so hopefully I’ll be able to cross at least one of those To Do items off my list.

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