State of the Writer: Meh

It’s been a while since I did one of these. The flurry of Doing Stuff (Eastercon, family visits, work) has left me in a bit of a funk. I’d planned several decent lengthed writing sessions, all of which got hijacked, and so I find myself a bit behind where...

Here we go…

The second draft of Forever is underway now. Everyone tackles redrafting differently but I thought my method might be of interest to other writers and the handful of interested readers who like my stuff. It’s a variation on my short story process but with a few...

State of the Writer: Reboot

I’ll cut to the chase: my short break following completion of the draft of Forever became a longer hiatus. Oh sure, I did some writing in that time. I wrote a couple of pieces of flash. I did an outline for The Scarred God (TSG). Hell, I even considered...

Back in business

Things went quiet. I try to take some time to recharge at the end of a long draft. If I write anything during that time, it’s usually short stuff as an exercise rather than with any intention of trying to publish. This time round I had an altogether different...

He rides again…

Yesterday was my first day on my new commute. I haven’t changed jobs. After several years experimenting with commuting by train, and alternatively by foot, I finally decided that the only viable solution was to combine the two thus eliminating the wasted time...