Commuter Capers

Top five comedy commuter capers, go on – I dare you: 5. Next time a free paper is slapped into your chest arm bar the free paper pusher to the ground and tweak him a la Mister Miyagi. Helps your defence later if you yell assault as the paper hits you. 4....

Notes to self…

1. Attempting to eat Haribo whilst driving may help keep you awake but E numbers and Metallica do not a law abiding driver make… 2. Everyone else on the motorway is out to kill you…never forget this. 3. When purchasing Chinese take away, ensure girlfriend...

The perils of chugging

Another train story for your enjoyment. No, not the return of the infamous butt clencher, today’s man of the moment was of a different order completely. And it wasn’t just me but the whole carriage he freaked out. Now *coughs* I freely admit I’m no...