A quick note…

Just a quick one to say that if you haven’t checked out Joss Whedon’s Dr Horrible then you really should. It’s a sing-along blog cooked up during the writer’s strike and features amongst other Neil Patrick Harris and Nathan Fillion. It follows...

Sticky Bits

Things I learned this weekend: – If feeding family home cooked ham with sticky bits it’s best to stand back – Pineapple eaten whilst bouncing on a pink ball following a long walk induces labour – A golden retriever can hear a banana being...

A brief interlude…

The walk to work this morning: I’m sooo tired. YES…YOU DO LOOK A BIT WORSE FOR WEAR Ow. Jeez, you’d think people would look where they’re going. YOU’D THINK Say, you’re a bit thin, you need some feeding up. Oh wow! I can smell...