Beware the voices…

Things I learned today: 1. Cashew nuts drenched in honey are gorgeous. 2. Five hours is about my limit for continuous meetings before my brain goes gooey. 3. It’s a lot more pleasant running when it’s not so hot. 4. Listening to comedy on your iPod while...

Wheels of steel

So some of my colleagues are boldly cycling from London to Brighton tomorrow in the name of charity, specifically for The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association. The ride from London to Brighton is a not insignificant 60k and I’m really quite impressed at their...

Quick one…again

I have not fallen off the world but I am still rather inexplicably busy. Currently I am fighting to get back on track with what I hope will be the final polish to The Scarred God and placing me in the position of having something to sell come the autumn con season.... on hiatus

Yeah, so I cribbed that off Doctor Who but you know unfortunately it’s true. was always a bit of an experiment and it’s just going to require too much time to get the thing off the ground with the number of bloggers I have right now (i.e....