Trying not to get it on my chin

Where do the weekends go? S has been here most of the weekend and we spent yesterday in Camden looking at cool things that were too expensive for either of us to buy. Yet more bookshops were perused, proving that bibliophilia is genetic in addition to being a...

Look what G did…

After month’s of threatening to start her own website G has finally gone and done it. You can check out some of her work here: Things are starting to pick up and she’ll be shooting a friend’s wedding in a few...

Forever blurbing

As is customary when working on long projects here is the blurb for Forever: In Japan a stranger emerges from a very long rest. In Germany a plane crashes, a lone survivor emerges from the wreckage. In London a bomb explodes killing many and creating an instant media...


I’ve been trawling around trying to decide what to do next in my writing. On finishing TSG* I started something new, something completely different and wrote a first draft of a story (Ice) that will either be hacked to pieces to short story length or will remain...