Hong Kong

I’m in Hong Kong. I thought about blogging last night but I was just too tired and apparently asking the same questions on an endless loop, G was very amused. The hotel is great, I mean really good and our hotel room overlooks the harbour with a view that at...

A Hobbit in the Land of Giants

I always remembered the US as being big, I put this down to me being 14 the last time I was here but what I hadn’t factored in was that I haven’t actually grown since i was 14. I was 5’6 then and I’m 5’6 now. I am the shortest person...

Washington DC

I’m back – online that is – I’m nowhere near back as in London. As some of you will know and many will not life kind of got away from me from around Thursday last week until around an hour and a half ago when I flumped on to a bed in a hotel in...


I’m convinced it is pretty much possible to link any post on any subject back to Neil Gaiman. This post was not meant to have anything to do with him whatsoever and was meant to be about the place I’m visiting right now. Not sure where I’m going with...